Sunday, November 20, 2011

An Introduction

I've never blogged before. Not once.

To blog, to pour out with intent the contents of my head for the world to see and judge has always been a bit scary for me. And yet, I feel compelled to reach out to others and to communicate said contents in the hopes that somehow I chance upon kindred spirits. Are you out there? Am I alone?

The internet with it's cold access to intimacy is an amazing contradiction. I can truly be me and still hide behind the Ivory Tower. As authentic as I try to be in my life, I find that I still repress thoughts and emotions for the sake of appearances. I guess that's part of the problem of being an introvert. I can play the part and do the dance, but what I feel stays bottled up, my deepest thoughts are known only to me. It's part of the human experience...the body and the ego are isolating mechanisms by design. They are brilliant and completely genius, mind you, but they do put up barriers between the individual and the outsider. Even when deeply in love, there's only so far one can go when trying to join with the soul of the beloved.

So, I'm ready for the adventure. I'm ready to expose myself while at the same time remaining totally anonymous. Curiously strange, this journey. Take it with me and you'll see me with all of my beauty and ugliness, all my wisdom and childish immaturity. Perhaps no one will ever read this but me. That's okay. But if you're out there, welcome aboard.

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